Tuesday, August 31, 2004

One Long Tuesday!

Well, even though I was up until 2:30 with Lewis & Clark I still didn't finish the section for today's class. After classes I started work, managing the CSB swimming and diving team. Brita is the other manager and we worked on the bulletin boards outside of the pool area. Imediatly after that I headed to the required internship wrap-up session where we have to fill out another review form and discuss our internships, pretty boring but the internship office now knows there are things they need to change for the future. Then I headed to the theatre department auditions because I was told that there were not enought people signed-up to fill both shows. I did it because there was no preparation required and I doubt I will get cast anyways, so it's really for 'personal growth.' My last meeting for the day was the first board meeting for Alpha Kappa Sigma Service Sorority. We discussed all of the upcoming events and pledging/initiation. It is going to be a great year because we are heading towards becoming more like a real sorority. Then more fun time with L&C!

Monday, August 30, 2004

Crew Begins

Crew practice started today for the returning members, which means a 5 am wake-up call! I decided to try to row today regardless of my stress fractored ankle. Well it didn't like that too much, so I am going to be a coxswain (the person who sits in the front and gives directions, I'm in charge of the boat) for the team this semester. Then it was time for a nap! This is the only way someone survives those early crew practices! In dance class we started doing different walks and leap sequnces, again the 'Pompeii Souvenir' didn't like to much. Okay here's the back story to the ankle: I stepped off of a curb in Pompeii, Italy, last April and twisted it really badly and it turns out that it was another stress factor because it has been bothering me about three times a week for the last four months! The ankle is going back into the ACE bandage for six more weeks like it should have been when it first happened. I also started my afternoon class today as well, Cultural Anthropology. Then it was time for my second date with Lewis & Clark and they kept me up until 2:30am, so no practice for me tomorrow!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Homework Day

I have so much homework that I called in to Canterbury Park and told them that I can't work! So I spent a lot of the day doing homework. Cassie had decided to cook dinner for everyone in our apartment and the girls from Dominica. She cooked chicken breasts on the George Forman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Machine, mashed potatoes, and corn. It was sooo good! While we were eating we started to watch the VMA's. After dinner I headed to the library because I had Latin to learn and a hella lot of the Lewis & Clark Journals to read for Monday.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Sleepy Saturday

Everyone present in the apartment did not get up until at least 10 because of all the fun had last night. Then we all worked on some homework, blah. We also discovered that our shower is broken because the stopper is stuck stopping, so we are going to have to use the guest showers in the basement until Maintinance can fix it Monday. There was a Theatre party at Margret House, where Marcy, Lauren, and Misty live. It was fun to see everyone one again and to get to say bye to Amanda who is studying in Salzburg, Austria this semester. Good times were had by all.

Friday, August 27, 2004


Nothing real exciting happened to day in class besides discussion. Then I picked-up my complementary Nalgene bottle from Career Services because every senior gets one. Then it was time to relax and chill-out from the week. I know, you're thinking I only had three days of classes, but when you are not use to doing homework and a like, it's tougher than you think to get back into the flow. Then Paul and I headed to West Side Liquor on a Strongbow hunt. I have never been an America liquor store before post 21st! This store is huge and has every imported beer and cider you could image! I found my Strongbow, hard cider, and it made my week! I also found a very close subsitute for the orange flavored, blue colored vodka I had in Iceland! Paul bought three six-packs of imported English beer. After we got back we head to
Sal's because it was one of Paul's friend's 21st birthday. We ended up having a blast and drinking more than either of us expected! That's okay, neither of us were sick at all, but we had definatly had enough. Paul had so much that I wouldn't let him drive back to St. John's so he slept on the couch in my living room. We also had a few other guests that night: Ashley's boyfriend, Grant, was staying over and so was my roommate's friend Jake. Tons of fun was had by all!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Yesterday wasn't too bad, but today got worse with the start of my Latin class. Yes that's right, I'm taking Latin this semester. I had a free space in my schedule and it will help my history major. I can't remember how many times I ran into Latin in Europe and wished I had taken this class earlier! My Latin professor is a little intimidating right now becuase she seems to be asking a lot right off of the bat! I really hope it dies off soon! My second class of the day is Fundamentals of Movements which a beginning modern dance and movement class that is tons of fun! It is a nice relaxation time and interesting since it is not a typical class. After classes I had the Theatre Open House where everyone in theatre joins together for ice cream and discussed the upcoming year, also an event I look forward to every fall. After the Theatre gathering I had and swimming and diving meeting. My work study job this year is to be the swimming and diving manager for St. Ben's. I think this will be a lot of fun since I know most of the seniors on the team and I have three years experience managing the synchronized swimming team in high school. After that more homework.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Senior Year Begins

I had two classes today: The Reformation and Historiography and Methods (which is the thesis prep course for history majors and the topic this semester is the Old West.) The historiography class added two books to that original 6, which brings my book total to 19 and $335 for the semester. I actually did my homework since I wanted to stay ahead expecially since I am not use to doing homework after London!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Prep for Class

Splet in once again and kept on arranging stuff around the apartment. We had a very borning apartment meeting around dinner time. After the meeting three cars full of people headed to Buffalo Wild Wings to celebrate Brenda's birthday with everyone for 35 cent wings! Afterwards we hung out for a while back at Dominica. Then it was time to get my stuff together to start classes tomorrow!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Easy Monday

We all slept in until at least 10 or 11 and then just kept on organizing and arranging the apartment. Something has happened with my computer because I cannot sign into my e-mail account regardless of which computer I'm on. It turns out that there are two Christine Louise Johnsons on campus this year and things are getting assigned to the wrong Christine! Well I have my password reset and everything was good to go. I also went to security and picked up my parking permit. I got Lot 2 which is at the end of the apartments becase I am a senior, this is much better than Lot 4, like my roommates got! They're juniors, that's way. After dinner we went over the Dominica to hang out with Brenda, Jackie, and Megan because it was going to be Brenda's Power Hour at a midnight. We did some prebar action over there and then a bunch of us headed to Sal's. Brenda didn't get too drunk, which is better than most people can say about there 21st birthday! We had a lot of fun and I most of my London study abroad group was at the bar, so it was almost like unofficial reunion.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Back to School

Move-in Day @ St. Ben's. My parents and I left Maple Grove around 7:15am and arrived in St. Joe around 8:30. Then it was time to move into my apartment, Sohler 6. I hadn't met my apartmentmates at all before I moved in! I met them through the public folder posting while I was in London. Ashley is my roommate and she had moved in early because of her job at IT. Angie arrived not too much later than I did. Between Angie and myself we made a real mess of the place unpacking! Then we (my family and I) went into town to have lunch and to get me some groceries. Cassie was there when we got back. After my parents left, we continued to unpack and decorate the apartment. We got Christmas and rope lights up in the kitchen and living room areas. After a while the girls friends came over from Dominica with some of their guy friends and Ashley's boyfriend, Grant, and his roommates. We had a little apartment warming party for Sohler 6. Later I went over to my friends, Maria and Kaia's, apartment in Luetmer to see them, since I haven't seen them since last December! Maria wanted to see my apartment since it was completely remodelled this summer! Our apartment warming party went well into the night and we had tons of fun!!!